Industry Resources

Dudley Resources is your resource for all things real estate, vehicles, heavy equipment, and personal property. Auctions are a time-proven method for generating interest and competitive offers from qualified buyers. Dudley Resources combines those proven techniques with the latest technologies; coupled with a focus on the future and the support of experience and best practices, we are able to bring you the most competitive values for your real estate or assets. Our online auction platform provides a transparent process and stress-free environment, accessible worldwide. A rapidly changing market makes values difficult to pinpoint, and no one wants to be left shortchanged; auctions provide the perfect medium for buyers and sellers to determine real market value at the time of sale. Give Dudley Resources a call and let them help you get the most out of your real estate, vehicles, heavy equipment, and personal property.

Contact Information:
Dudley Resources
9601 Gayton Rd., Ste. 207
Henrico,  VA   23238

Tim Dudley
Trae Dudley
Chip Jones

Phone: (804) 709-1954

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